Previous Card XF96-0047 GCon - TRUE GRIT


Demonstration Bureau File Number: XF96-0047 GCon
Edition: Gen Con
Rarity: Demonstration
Suit: Event
Advanced Game Only: No
Keywords: Event, Behavioral
Activators: Active, Agent
Event Effects: Play when an Agent is forced to go to the Hospital. He must still go to the Hospital by the end of this turn but he may add his skills to one skill check before going.
Cost: 1 RP
Episode: Fallen Angel (1X09) - Season 1
Quote: Crew Cut Man: "Your cellular phone has been ringing of the hook." Mulder: "I'm a popular guy, why don't you answer it for me." Crew Cut Man: "I don't like talking on the phone. I have this thing about unsecured lines."
Alternates: XF96-0309v1, XF97-0309v2
  • Gen Con '96
